October 19, 2011

[Event]: Grand Opening of Viva Live!

@160 Clarendon St, South Melbourne 3025

Exclusive to all the party-people in Melbourne!
Head on down this Friday to the Grand Opening of Viva!
Doors open at 10pm till 5am!!

Mention "Michelle's Guestlist" for cheaper entry :)
See you there this Friday! Don't miss this extremely exciting event!
Check out their Facebook Page for more information

Procrastination at its best..
Rushing out my models and drawings before my class tomorrow
and yet here I am, just dying to make up any excuse just to take my eyes AWAY
from any archi-related designing software :( I've been continuously having late nights
for the past few days just so I can get my work done and hopefully that'll be enough to
please my tutor, who is gonna mark and critic my work.. Week after week I had wasted my time
doing very little or close to nothing and now when it's due in a week's time, I'm starting to panic! 
I'm almost done with my 3D model, which is good, means I can send that to the laser cutting soon
and my perspective views would all be settled. But then comes the tedious part, AUTOCAD! :(

Soon all this will be over, then comes my exams, then after that, my 
G-R-A-D-U-A-T-I-O-N!! :D
I will be sooo proud of myself for being able to complete my degree!
and hopefully, if all goes well, I'll be onto my path of gaining my Masters Degree in Architecture
haven't decided where yet, but I am aiming for Melbourne and if I'm reaaallly lucky, to America!
My ultimate dream is to atleast get a chance to study in the US, even if for just one term of 
exchange studies, that'll be enough for me. That's all I ask for! Please Please!!!

I need to stop living in the past and accept that the only thing I can do is look forward, towards
the unknown future. Even if the future may seem scary, that is the only path that I'm leading towards.
I have to know that time won't turn back for anybody, nor would it stop. Time waits for no one..
I am terrified of the future, terrified of what might be, but living in the past won't help anyone,
living in the past did not help me. Learn to move forward and embrace whatever that happens or
comes your way. Everything happens for a reason. Any opportunities or chances, 
take them and be grateful for them.

Stay happy and healthy