October 6, 2011

RIP Steve Jobs (1955-2011)

Just a tribute to the greatest inventor, visionary ever in this generation
STEVE JOBS 1955-2011
I am and will forever be a loyal Apple "fanboy"
His quotes, news, memorials are splashed all over the net today and as
President Barack Obama said:
"The world has lost a visionary. 
And there may be no greater tribute to Steve's success than the fact 
that much of the world learned of his passing on a device he invented."

 I still remember the first time I got my iPhone3G two years back, 
given to me by my ex, it was super sweet of him cuz my phone was pretty shit,
and i was friggin happy! immediately got home and downloaded shitloads
of apps and started camwhoring and just loving every bit of the phone.
Then the iPhone4 came out and WHOAH!! that was one incredible night!
haha, the both of us went queuing up for it and I was really looking forward in getting
my hands on the white one, but dang! that time the white one was having some problems
in its production and thus never came out till earlier this year :(
but anywhoo, absolutely LOVED the front camera and every bit of improvements
that the iPhone4 came with. If not for the front camera, I don't think my phone's or
harddrive's memory would have been filled with tonnes of self-shots. LOL! :)

My favouritest phone then, favouritest phone now!
that is till the new iPhone4S came out just two days ago :D
Although I'm loving the 4S and its technological advances of having 
a sort of "voice-controlled-personal-assistant" doing all the work for you,
and not to mention the newly improved 8MP camera, I'm still gonna hang onto the
hopes of a new iPhone5 coming out next year. 
My countdown to the anticipation of that being announced officially started
when they announced the new iPhone4S. So no matter what, I will forever
standby Apple, along with so many other Apple fanboys, and Steve Jobs's legend
will stay within all of us, he who had changed the way we view the world.
A true inspiration. A true visionary. A true legend!