June 18, 2011

[Ramblings] Everyday I'm Studyingg

Accessories I got for a super awesome price!
Total cost for all of these?
$AUD 35
All from Forever New

Red Lips I've been sporting these past few days
Still trying to find a good shade that matches my skin tone.
This was actually the result of mixing a total of 3colors together o.O

I'm alone here in the library studying my ass off :(
Haihz, I dont understand why I can never fully concentrate
or why I can't study at home. If only I could I wouldn't have to drag myself
out of my house to the school's library every single day!
It's such a hassle, it's so cold, it's so uncomfortable to be NOT in my comfy pajamas

oh wells, been rather productive I must admit, that's why library is seriously my 2nd home
Enough with my procrastinations, enough with youtube, enough with facebook
focus and concentrate on the Primary Functions of Cladding, Precast Concrete, Roof Cladding
Floor Finishes, Detailings, Concrete......... =.=

Life of an architecture student

I can't wait till TUESDAY!
off to study