June 23, 2011


YAY! Blogger's being co-operative today :D
So, I am finally FREE from my exams!!!
No more mugging, no more staying-up-all-night, no more "V"

Well, the staying-up-all-night still applies to me though.
haha, been downloading so many movies and watching them whilst eating.
super bad way to pass my time, since i'm damaging my health AND piling
on the kilos. lol! but, that's what holiday's are all about


Anyways, I received most of my parcels today!
especially my haul from SASA :D
Super excited about it. will blog about it next!

For now, this entry will be filled with self-shots because I'm just too free
with nothing else better to do.
PLUS I was testing out the different effects using different 
Aperture and Shutter settings
(lol, I sound damn pro now. dont i?)
but trust me, till now, i still dont know the difference or how it works.
lol, i'll just stick with my iAuto (lazy mode for noob photographers like myself)

Does anyone know why, when I use aperture setting of i don't know how many,
but it tends to create a lot of "noise"? is that what you call it?
like it's not that clear,crisp image anymore.
Anybody knows why?

This was I think with super high/super low aperture setting
with flash. everything got washed out.

I love this setting!!
Apparently, on my camera (Lumix GF2) this is the CUSTOM MODE (C3)
I didn't change any of the camera settings.
and yes, I did a different eye-makeup today, added a touch of blue eyeshadow
It's supposed to be like a turquoise blue, don't know why it turned out green...
oh well, will perfect it next time :) 


Laneige Moisturizer
Etude House Brightening BB Cream
Sk-II Blusher

Maybelline's 24-hr Gel Liner in Black
Coastal Scents Eyeshadow Pallete (Blue)
Maybelline's Stiletto Long Lash Extreme in Black
Majorlica Majorca Eyebrow Pencil
Heavy Rotation's Eyebrow Mascara in Ash Brown

I'll be flying back to Malaysia soon.
I wish I could've gotten onto an earlier flight, 
then I can be home with my family sooner.
I miss my family so much. I miss my home.

On another note:
Latest song by Chris Brown ft. Justin Bieber : Next To You
is seriously a nice song. and the MTV is just sooo sad :(
I mean, why does Chris Brown's girl in the mtv have to get hit by a car,
and Chris Brown dies trying to jump across to get to her, 
while Justin Bieber is safely standing on top of a roof of a building,
not even bothering to find his girl, while the girl ends up finding him
on top of the roof and then they kiss and happy ending for them both =.=
And Chris Brown's girl got hit by JB's girl's dad's car 

Have a good weekend!