July 2, 2009

Dell Inspiron mini laptop :)

On the way to Jusco Tebrau City to get some shopping done.
Daddy wanted to go view the daybed that was on sale in the furniture shop.
So we went there for late lunch, sometime around 3pm I think.

Me with my FAVOURITE chocolate cake ever!!
Chocolate Banana Cake from Secret Recipe
all of my close friends would know how much i loveee this cake
I order it for my  birthday every single year!
The only time i didn't order this cake was last year because i celebrated my bday in Melbourne

random shot!

me and my lovely mommy! :)

Close-up shot of the Chocolate Banana Cake!
So after lunch, walked around for abit
had a look at thhe daybed, but it wasn't really as cheap or as pretty as it had been advertised
so daddy didn't get it. Besides it was too big and rather impractical to put it in the office anyways.
haha. glad he didn't waste money in getting it.
Next day, had lunch at this small little shop on errr, can't remember what street
but it's located somewhere near The Store so i guess you can call it Sentosa ba.
It's my dad's favourite shop to have lunch at because it's air-conditioned,
the food tastes delicious, and it is also reasonably priced :)

my favourite Mei-Chai Pork!!
absolutely delicious and absolutely sinful!
I know it's bad, but my favourite part of the pork, is the fats!!!
hence all the roundess and fatness around my face and body.

The steamed kampung chicken there is delicious too!

Oh! and this is the wonderfully deliciously well-cooked salmon by my mother!!
She is the best cook ever!!
i sooooo miss home cooked fooood.
it's been ages since i've actually had a nice, healthy meal.
everyday back in Melbourne, i would go out to have dinner
because i'm toooo lazy to even cook.
actually, the cooking isn't the hard part, it's the WASHING-UP! that i hate the most!
How i wish that there was like a maid-service available in Melbourne!
I think i plan to set up a maid agency in Melbourne!
Who wants to be my business partner?
I seriously have a prediction that this business would be soooo prosperous :D

Oh! and i have been recently using my mom's mini laptop
the Dell Inspiron Mini Laptop!
i LURVEEEEE the laptop. it's sooo mini and portable!
It's sooo portable, that i even brought it along with me to the shopping center,
and took it out in Coffee Bean and used it!
i wanted to look like i was some super hardworking student/worker/blogger.
sooo enthu till i bring my laptop everywhere i go. haha :p
but who knows, i bring it out to use in Coffee Bean, thinking they've got free wifi!,
but they DONT! stupid Coffee Bean! They do not provide free wifi!
I gotta log into some stupid website, and like top-up or some shit.
LOL! totally crushing my intention of blogging there and then.
So i ended up cam-whoring with the in-built webcam :P

Pure Chocolate sans cream! 
my futile attempt to lose weight by forgoing the cream
hahahaha, doubt it really helps anyway cuz i'm drinking a drink that's pure chocolate =.=

the cam-whoring doesn't stop there!
The laptop is just soooo portable that i even cam-whore IN THE CAR

lol! alrighty then,
off for my delicious home-cooked dinner! :D