November 14, 2011


Thanks for always being there for both me and Melissa when we need advice (legal) but
mostly to Melissa, since she always calls you bout her visa. hahaha!
can't wait to fetch you, Jasper and Daddy from the airport in a few weeks time!
Bring the nice camera up for my graduation!
I know you don't read my blog, but I know mom does, so she'll definitely tell you.
hahaha! Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY once again! You are a great role model to
all of us (jas, mel and me). Never stop being that awesome brother that makes everybody 
laugh and smile with your jokes and charms :D
Love you Kenny!

and on a random note, was going through my old picz while searching for the above pic of me
and my bro, when I came upon my pictures taken on the family's recent trip to Sabah at the start
of this year. Never knew I was THAT thin back then. I mean just comparing to myself, that has
got to be the thinnest I've ever been ever since highschool...
No wonder my dad kept complaining to me that I had chicken legs.
But at that time, I still kept saying I was fat...
NOW I am fat :( 

Back then, I knew I had lost weight, but I could never see that I was so thin to the point that it
did look kinda on the verge of being sickly. I was going through a rough period of my life and
had suffered from stomach flu and I would say just a total lost of appetite. Everyday I only had
ONE meal, not because I wanted to cut down, but just cause I couldn't consume any food at all. 
I hardly ever finish that ONE meal that I have per day. I just couldn't or wanted to eat at all. 
But, eventually, after coming back to Melbourne, the weather, stress and everything else
just made me put back the pounds again. Although I'm glad I'm not like sick or anything now,
but still, NOW I'M SERIOUSLY TOO FAT!!! oh my gosh FML! 
I'm either too fat or too thin.... BODY!! Y U NO MAKE UP YOUR MIND!

Last exam this Wednesday! :D