February 19, 2011

Chinese New Year 2011

This is pretty late as CNY's already over. but better late than never :D


[was actually sleeping but woke up just to say bye to my two elder brothers who are flying off to Guangzhou today for a week. I wanted so much to say bye cuz I won't be seeing them till July when I return from Melbourne :( but oh well, i didn't get to say bye cuz i woke up a tad bit later. suckz...anyways, i already texted them so i dont feel so bad]

OMG, i just wrote a whole pile of crap. sorry for my digression. 
since i can't really get back to sleep, will update my blog :)

On the way to the reunion dinner with my family.

We headed to our usual reunion-dinner-restaurant, Meisan@Mutiara Hotel. For as long as I can remember, we've always had our reunion dinners either there or at the chinese restaurant at Eden. There was once we had it at the Grand Straits Garden. I really hope we go somewhere new next year cuz I think the popularity of Meisan has really taken its toll on the quality of its food. The food wasn't as fantastic as i remembered :(

OTD; Dress: Jusco Tebrau City [Harajuku]
Tights: Topshop
Shoes: Hush Puppies
Headband: Some accessory shop in City Square,JB

lol to be honest, I get alot of my clothes from that Harajuku brand inside Jusco Tebrau City. the clothes aren't of the best quality, that's why it's cheap but still it looks pretty trendy and i love it :D

Yee Sang!! Sorry for this super unfocused shot, the camera wasn't capable of catching fast-moving objects. lol! we were "low-ing" that yee sang like there was no tomorrow. wtf that doesn't even make sense =.=

My grandmother and i :D She's still super healthy despite her age!

Family photo! Missing many cousins and uncles and aunties and my own sister who was technically still on a plane back from Boston

After dinner, my family headed into Singapore to pick my sister up from the airport. What a night, we actually had to wait at the airport for almost an hour or so cuz my sister lost her baggage on the flight and had to do a lot of paperwork to lodge a report =.=

My aunty cooking! love her famous Sweet & Sour Abalone with Prawns! yumms :)

with Aunty Vanessa and my baby cousin, Jiew Ann :D 

yay! my sister is back :D 

part of the family. taken at my grandparent's house

more shots of me and my sister :)

My siblings and i! I am the shortest, even with my heels on!!! :(

Us with my mommy dearest (and Kak Suria at the back.lol)

me with an auspiciously red cushion :D



On a rather unrelated note, guess who's got a new camera???


1 comment:

Jain said...

you got the new camera...=]

happy chinese new year (belated 1)...[x