September 1, 2010

Short Entry?

As you all know, it's been almost close to 2months since my term break in July, and I went back to Malaysia. I have just gotten around editing some of the pics, but not all of them. This update is super late but just thought I'd share some nice places I visited in Singapore with my family, and a few shopping haul pictures that might interest some readers.

Full detailed entries will be coming soon, but for now, it's just pictures to make this entry visually interesting :]

Massive haul from Sasa :) I love shopping at Sasa back in Malaysia / Singapore because everything's so much cheaper than if I get them from the online store. Not really sure why, maybe cuz of the currency I guess.

Anyway, out of the lot, my favouritest product would have to be the 2 Kate Eyeshadow / Eyebrow Pallette.

Have been using them alternately, depending on my mood, to use on my eyes. FYI, I no longer use eyeliner to line my eyes cuz I find it to be too harsh for day-time make up. The colors from this pallete are sooo pretty! It shines and is really opaque as well :)

Earthy Tones

I love the highlight color for this one. It looks silver, but it actually comes out really shiny and non grey :D

Anyways, more updates coming soon. Stay tuned :D


amanda said...

yays for the updates :) I like the tones on those palettes! and I agree, shopping at a sasa store is so much better than online. Also, i'm usually too impatient to wait 1 week for my goodies to arrive ><

Michelle Chin said...

Hey you can use disqus. It has a reply function. :) I am using it for my blog.

paperletters said...

How much is the Kate Eye Palette in RM? thanks^^